
  • I’m so grateful for the opportunity that I had to attend this program. It completely saved my life, revolutionizing my conceptions about love, my relationship with god, and my purpose.
  • The Circle of Love workshop for couples was very beneficial on so many levels, as a person who has been living an intentional life and done several personal inventories, I thought I would marginally benefit, but I truly had an epiphany regarding what was blocking me. The workshop is helpful for my relationship with my soon-to-be wife. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go straight to the Circle of Love workshop if you want your relationship with your significant other to grow and change.
  • The workshop for Couples gave me the opportunity to become aware, on a deeper level, of the imprints & beliefs that I bring to Relationship from my upbringing & past experiences, both negative & positive, specific tools that I can use to release the negative imprints, and how to access my Authentic Self on a daily basis. This clearing of limiting beliefs that stand in the way of healthy relating, is allowing my partner & I to co-create a healthy, joyful, mutually loving relationship from the Authentic Self. This process is allowing me to live my divine purpose, while in relationship, with more fullness, joy, & confidence. I recommend this 4 day course (and already have to many of my clients & friends) to anyone who is in a relationship & wants to cultivate connection, mutuality & deep love. It’s Relationship Health 101!
  • My experience with the program was revolutionary in a multitude of ways. On many emotional, psychological, and spiritual levels I was provided guidance, important change and tools to continue growing as an individual. By “growing”, I mean to say that progress towards my goals, dreams, and a fulfilling life wildly increased. I’m so grateful for the opportunities the program has offered me as a result.
  • It was knowledge that rang thru to my inner core like nothing ever before where answers to life long questions were revealed and the thirst for more understanding… Just do it!!
  • The Inner Journey workshop allowed me to forgive my dad, set a healthy boundary with my mom… By forgiving my dad, and setting a boundary with them both, I am now able to completely separate myself from their situation and emotions so that I can be there for them both in a healthier way, as well as being in such a place that the actions and reactions of both of my parents, brother, and others cannot harm me. In other words, I am free from emotional, and mental impact brought on by others.